minpack.lm 1.2-4 (2023-09-11)
- include R_ext/BLAS.h instead of R_ext/Applic.h in prod.c
minpack.lm 1.2-3 (2023-01-26)
- use snprintf instead of sprintf
- http --> https in manual
minpack.lm 1.2-2 (2022-04-13)
- Credit base R for functions in src/prod.c in DESCRIPTION, via
Copyrights field, which refers to new file inst/COPYRIGHTS
- Add FCONE arguments in calls to F77_CALL in prod.c
- Used package_native_route_registration_skeleton from package tools
to add code in new file src/init.c
minpack.lm 1.2-1 (2016-11-20)
- In some cases 'profile.nls' would not work on models created with 'nlsLM', due to a wrong class assignment in the output ("call" instead of "numeric"). This bug was kindly made aware by Patrice Kiener and removed.
- License is now only GPL-3; per clause 7 we include the University of
Chicago license terms as a supplement.
minpack.lm 1.2-0 (2015-11-24)
- Removed a small bug in 'nlsLM' that gave an error if an external function was supplied within the formula syntax, e.g. y ~ fitModel(x, a). This was made aware by an email from C. Softley, pointing to a discussion and solution in
minpack.lm 1.1-9 (2015-09-04)
- Modified NAMESPACE and added Suggests: MASS to DESCRIPTION file.
minpack.lm 1.1-8 (2013-08-31)
- The new function wfct for easy specification of weights in nls and
nlsLM is now included.
minpack.lm 1.1-7 (2013-03-01)
- changed the License to GPL-3 + the terms specified in the file
LICENSE, which give the original copyright distributed with
the minpack Fortran source. This is possible given Clause 7 in
minpack.lm 1.1-6 (2012-05-08)
- Support for lower and upper bounds added
- Added 'nlsLM', a modified version of 'nls' that uses ‘nls.lm’ for